Your Free 3-Day Conscious Connected Breathwork Exploration

Rewire: Spark

Ready to explore the transformative power of breathwork?

Rewire: Spark is your free invitation to dive into the world of Conscious Connected Breathwork. This 3-day experience offers a supportive introduction, guiding you towards greater self-awareness and the potential to shift old patterns.

This isn't just about learning a technique; it's an opportunity to connect with yourself on a deeper level. Led by experienced Breathwork Facilitator Benedict Beaumont, you'll embark on a journey designed to help you unlock insights and nurture your well-being.

What to Expect

Intro to Conscious Connected Breathwork: Gain a foundational understanding of this powerful breathwork modality.

Guided Daily Practices:
Experience short, accessible breathwork sessions designed for self-exploration.

Full Conscious Breathwork Session:
Participate in a longer Conscious Connected Breathwork practice for deeper dive in to the power of Breathwork.

Supportive Journal:
Reflect and deepen your experience with a downloadable journal featuring prompts


Breathwork Starter Kit- FREE